Articles about tattoo

About the dangers of tattoos – 10 points

Harm and danger of tattoo

Before speaking about the dangers of tattoo, let’s figure it out, what does the paint consist of?

The cheapest paints use more hazardous and harmful components.

  1. Blue paint (blue color) – this paint, as a rule, is used for raw materials of lapis lazuli.
  2. Green paint (green) – obtained through the use of lead or chromium.
  3. White paint (white color) – this paint contains whitewash, zinc, as well as lead and barium.
  4. Black paint (black color) – is obtained from soot, wood or bones, iron.
  5. Red paint (red) – are obtained through the use of iron or nephtol.
  6. Yellow paint (yellow color) – obtained through the use of ocher or chromium.

From this material, it can be understood that all paints use pigments that are based on some metals. Now let’s talk directly about how strong this paint, as well as the process of creating a tattoo, can be harmful to health.

If we talk about paint, then thanks to the research of various scientific organizations, scientists came to the conclusion that some of the paints used in the work can cause harm to health, since these paints contain iron, which negatively affects the human body, all the substances used can accumulate and destroy DNA.

Speaking about the process of tattooing, it is no secret that the skin is severely injured by the needle, which is why there is a risk of infection or other diseases, especially if the master used poor-quality and non-sterile material.

Possible infections and diseases when applying a tattoo:

  • AIDS.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Tetanus.
  • Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Blood poisoning.
  • Fungal and bacterial infections.
  • Scarring.
  • Development of oncology.

These are not all diseases or infections, the list is quite long.

What should a tattoo artist’s workplace look like?

The workplace should be sterile !! And also there must be new material and a place for processing equipment (sterilization). The can of paint, as well as the syringe itself, must be open with you. Before starting work, the master must wash his hands, put on a clean mask and gloves, after the session, the master must throw away all used disposable materials.

The risk of infection when applying a tattoo

As you can see, there is a risk of infection, as well as a negative effect of a tattoo on the human body.
That is why it is worth paying close attention to the choice of a master and a salon, it is important to find out what material is used, since some salons may use prohibited material.

If you are doing a tattoo for the first time, then it is best to start with a small tattoo in order to see the reaction of your body, as well as allow it to adapt to foreign pigments, after a while your immunity to the tattoo will become higher and then you can apply a larger tattoo. Remember that all used pigments do not disappear anywhere from your body.

Do not forget that the correct approach to the choice of a salon, master, materials, as well as proper care of the tattoo after applying it, will help to avoid a lot of problems and unpleasant moments.

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