Articles about tattoo

Functions of a tattoo. Why do we get a tattoo?

Without a doubt, tattoo changes the appearance of a person, the desire of people to change their appearance appeared a long time ago. But what are the functions of a tattoo in our time, according to psychologists?

Psychologists believe that tattoos are done by psychologically unhealthy people who have any deviations. Making any image, a person subconsciously changes himself not only physically, but also psychologically.

Tattoo functions:

  • Protective tattoo function

This function is aimed at avoiding attention, as well as from unnecessary attention to the inner “I” of a person. Thanks to this function, a person, as a rule, tries to leave all his memories in the past. Leaving all the pain and negativity behind.

  • Compensatory function of the tattoo

This function aims to attract as much attention to itself as possible. To do this, they try to demonstrate their attractiveness and sexuality. This is really so, because the tattoo attracts a lot of attention of the people around it. Thanks to this, greater self-confidence is achieved.

  • Aesthetic function of tattoo

This function is aimed at hiding or covering imperfections in human skin, for example: scars, stretch marks, scars. In addition, such tattoos can highlight the dignity of the body.

  • Protest tattoo function

This function is aimed at showing one’s “I” to others in a more negative way. After all, such tattoos are done in spite of the parents, or those who were against its application. A person wants to show that he can already make decisions on his own. Protest can also be expressed in relation to society.

  • Motivating tattoo function

If a person cannot solve a problem or come to his goal for a long time, he can also get a tattoo. Hoping that this will somehow help him find a way out of situations.

So what exactly is a tattoo? Decoration or disease?

It should be remembered only about one thing, that a tattoo is an adornment as long as it does not interfere with the conduct of your usual life, until the drawing on the skin brings you negative emotions and does not introduce you into stress. Otherwise, when a person cannot stop getting a tattoo and cannot live without them, it is considered disease and deviation.

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