Meanings of tattoos

The meaning of the snake tattoo

Values: power, wisdom, death, temptation

Interpretations of the meaning of a snake tattoo differ depending on the region, culture and religion.… The image of the snake is found in the mythology and traditions of almost all developed cultures, therefore the image of the snake is present in many tattoos around the world. This image is very ancient and multi-symbolic. The snake can simultaneously be a symbol of life and death, the embodiment of good and evil.

The image of the snake as a symbol of wisdom and knowledge is rooted in the past. Around 1600 BC e. in ancient Egypt, there was a myth describing a huge serpent as the creator of the planets, which lived forever by eating its own tail. This idea of ​​a cycle without end is an echo of the modern concept of infinity.

In the mythology of Ancient Greece, the snake was associated with the goddess of the moon. As a symbol of the feminine principle, she brings knowledge to a person, while in other cultures the serpent is the goddess of the mystery of the birth of death. Also, Greek mythology gave us the image of a snake, which is used today in medicine. The story of the emergence of medical art says that the god of medicine Asclepius once saw how one snake cured another with the help of herbs.

In the West, the meaning of a snake tattoo is associated with biblical texts. She is considered a symbol of temptation and female power. Because it was the snake in the Garden of Eden that tempted the first woman, Eve, to sin, which in turn pushed the first man, Adam, to eat the forbidden fruit. In India, there was a cult of snake worship as a symbol of female fertility and prophecy. In America, there are many myths about the people-snakes living underground, who are the guardians of the other world and helpers of people. The snake is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac, a person born under this sign in life should be wise and romantic. The snake’s ability to shed its skin has led to it being considered a symbol of rebirth and renewal. The Aztecs knew the feathered serpent – the god of weather and fertility. In Buddhism, there is a story about a cobra sheltering a little Buddha from the sun with its hood. The ancient Celts used snake plexuses in their knots and labyrinths.

The meaning of a snake tattoo can carry both positive and negative symbolism… The snake is a very interesting and original animal, it frightens with its hiss and appearance, and at the same time attracts with its deadly dance and its mystery. In any case, this animal has always been treated with respect and reverence. Until today, she remains a symbol of wisdom, power, hidden danger and sweet temptation.… Girls sometimes interpret this temptation as sexual, and perceive the snake as a symbol of the beauty and sexuality of the female body.

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