Meanings of tattoos

The meaning of the rune tattoo

Values: magic

Runes are the main magic alphabet of Central and Northern Europe. This is not just a collection of signs for conveying information, they carry a symbolic meaning far beyond the materialistic concept of information and reality.… Interest in these signs has not disappeared for many centuries, and found its reflection in the art of tattooing.

Scientists have determined that in ancient times, runic signs were used mainly in the field of esotericism. The very word “rune” testifies to the fact that these symbols were directly associated with spiritual mysteries and the innermost secrets of magic. Translated from Irish, the word “rune” means a secret or a solution.

With the first centuries of our era, the first runic alphabet, Futhark, was formed in Scandinavia. And along with the Germanic tribes of the Angles and Saxons, runic magic and the alphabet spread to the British Isles. Runic alphabets were used mainly where the main method of writing was carving characters on a hard surface (stone or wood). Runic calendars were also created. But over time, the 24-character Futhark was replaced by the more common, extensive and more convenient Latin alphabet. This replacement was undoubtedly facilitated by the spread of the Christian religion throughout Europe. But in some areas of Scandinavian life, runes continued to be used until the early twentieth century. One of, and, perhaps, the most important direction in the use of runes has become the magical art.

According to the ancient myth of Scandinavia, the runes were revealed to Odin, who, having pierced himself with a spear, hung on the World Tree for nine days and nights without food or drink. After such self-sacrifice and suffering, he quenched his thirst with sacred shamanic honey, and heard the runes, then wrote them on a tree with a spear bloody with his own blood.

Similar runes were widely used in the cultures of the ancient Celts and Slavs. But, of course, in different designs. Among the Celts, such signs are depicted in a very specific way, and are found as amulets on personal belongings and buildings.

The ancient Slavic runes found by archaeologists became clear evidence of the existence of the Slavic runic writing. It is necessary to understand that the runic culture of the Slavs is not just elementary signs of writing – it is a whole layer of culture, covering both mythology and religion and some aspects of magical art.

Slavic, Celtic, and all other runes with their purpose and structure are somewhat reminiscent of Chinese characters. Their common characteristic property is that runes, like hieroglyphs, do not have any grammatical meaning, but only have a special meaning, their name and interpretation, which is understood as a series of intuitively related symbols.

Each rune symbol consists of three elements: sound (song), sign (shape) and rune (hidden law)… And none of these components can exist separately, independently – each part is a projection or reflection of the rest.

In modern times, the use of runes relies mainly on purely magical functions: enchanting objects, fortune-telling, use in amulets and tattoos. Rune tattoos and their meanings have been used in this art for a long time and quite often.… Serving as amulets and magical talismans.


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